Our Maid Service
How long does cleaning take?
Vestibulum molestie orci urna, eget mollis ante lobortis id. Pellentesque volutpat massa vel odio fringilla, non iaculis libero posuere.
Does regular dry cleaning damage clothes?
Vestibulum molestie orci urna, eget mollis ante lobortis id. Pellentesque volutpat massa vel odio fringilla, non iaculis libero posuere.
Are you insured against damage?
Vestibulum molestie orci urna, eget mollis ante lobortis id. Pellentesque volutpat massa vel odio fringilla, non iaculis libero posuere.
How does the whole process work?
Vestibulum molestie orci urna, eget mollis ante lobortis id. Pellentesque volutpat massa vel odio fringilla, non iaculis libero posuere.
How often should commercial cleaning be performed?
Vestibulum molestie orci urna, eget mollis ante lobortis id. Pellentesque volutpat massa vel odio fringilla, non iaculis libero posuere.
Why use a commercial cleaning company?
Vestibulum molestie orci urna, eget mollis ante lobortis id. Pellentesque volutpat massa vel odio fringilla, non iaculis libero posuere.
General Wash/Fold Questions
How will I know if my booking is confirmed?
Donec pulvinar convallis nisl, in sodales urna suscipit non. Morbi sed est at dolor consequat tristique pulvinar sit amet augue.
What happens if something is damaged during your clean?
Donec pulvinar convallis nisl, in sodales urna suscipit non. Morbi sed est at dolor consequat tristique pulvinar sit amet augue.
What are not included in your office cleaning service?
Donec pulvinar convallis nisl, in sodales urna suscipit non. Morbi sed est at dolor consequat tristique pulvinar sit amet augue.
Can I get my office cleaned during my lunch break?
Donec pulvinar convallis nisl, in sodales urna suscipit non. Morbi sed est at dolor consequat tristique pulvinar sit amet augue.
Can I get a free trial before I purchase?
Donec pulvinar convallis nisl, in sodales urna suscipit non. Morbi sed est at dolor consequat tristique pulvinar sit amet augue.
Where can I find out about funding?
Donec pulvinar convallis nisl, in sodales urna suscipit non. Morbi sed est at dolor consequat tristique pulvinar sit amet augue.